hybrid housing model
Hybrid Housing Masterplan _ Sydney NSW Australia _ Design Stage
The Hybrid Housing Model is a high density, multi-storey apartment development which demonstrates the architectural possibilities and social benefits on offer when apparently disparate user groups seamlessly coexist within a single, environmentally responsive mixed-use development.
The Concept Design offers a vision of an active and engaging vertical village that embodies the diversity that surrounds it, where people from all walks of life coexist in an integrated development. It also offers an environmentally responsive housing model that is connected to its natural surrounds, facilitating solar access and cross-flow ventilation to dwellings within a building configuration that is double loaded and designed to maximise yield.
Landscape is encouraged to permeate the Hybrid Housing Model on all levels, bringing the amenity afforded to those that comfortably occupy the ground plane to the doorstep of those with impaired mobility. Outdoor areas of various sizes and configurations are integrated into the scheme; a biophilic wonder that supports the health and wellbeing of the occupants within.
Prepared for Sydney-based NDIS provider United for Care, the Hybrid Housing Model provides accommodation for people living with disability and psychosocial challenges via the government NDIS scheme.
Providing housing developments for the exclusive use of people with comparable, relatively complex needs can be advantageous, as the accommodation and associated support services that are provided can be both specialized and shared. However, the cultural singularity of such housing developments has the potential to be socially isolating which, in turn, can lead to marginalization. This project explores the potential of a hybrid housing model, where accommodation for people with complex, specialized needs is integrated with a wide array of household and accommodation types, to create a supportive, holistic community development that embodies an openness and cultural diversity reflective of contemporary society.
The Hybrid Housing Model accommodates the following dwelling types / user groups:
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) - High Physical Support Category
Accommodation for Supported Independent Living - Adaptable / Accessible
Accommodation for Seniors – ‘Aging in Place’
Student / Co-Living Accommodation
Corporate / Leisure Accommodation
Respite Accommodation via the NDIS scheme
The Hybrid Housing Model provided for United for Care would be a benchmark project which has the potential to generate social change; a building that leads with positivity, encourages progress and enhances productivity by considering quality of life as its main design driver, to set a new standard in inclusive, mixed-use housing.
BENT Team:
Paul Porjazoski, Lana Blazanin, Michael Germano, Merran Porjazoski, Alison Hui